Monday, April 23, 2007

Serving the Physically Challenged

Many of us will experience at least a temporary disability. Accidents will happen and you could find yourself using a wheelchair or walker. As we mature and grow older, getting around our home becomes more difficult. Then we ask "How can I get up those steps or through that narrow door?" Planning for this comes from far sighted homeowners,builders and remodelers who anticipate our limitations and changing needs.

Traditional home builders have never really considered the needs of those who are disabled or elderly, and that can make life really hard to deal with at times. We understand these difficulties. We at want to help you make your life a little easier and more productive. That's why we offer handicap accessible remodeling and accessibility modifications in the New York and surrounding areas. We have the solutions to your home accessibility needs and modifications to enhance and improve the safety and accessibility in your home, getting your mobility back.

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